How To Decide Which FLR Education Program Is Right For You

By: Te-Erika Patterson

If you are searching for guidance for creating and structuring your Loving Female Led Relationship or you just want to be connected to someone who understands and respects the FLR dynamic and has collected hundreds of FLR Stories and coached dozens of singles and couples in FLRs, then participating in one of our FLR Education Programs may be right for you.

The best way to decide which program is the best fit is to determine what you want to resolve, who needs to participate in order to resolve it and which communication style is best for you.

Maybe —

You need help building confidence to become a true leader in your Loving FLR. You hesitate to ask for what you want, you find yourself compromising too much and  you are sometimes confused about what you even want from your partner. You want to be STRONGER. You want to the kind of woman you can admire. You want to hear encouraging words directly from a woman who cares and wants you to go out and be your most brilliant self in this world. Join the Leadership Coaching Program for Women

You and your partner have structured your Loving FLR but you can’t seem to make it stick. You both want to improve but you’re having a difficult time communicating your wants and needs. Someone is holding back and it is damaging the relationship. You need clarity. You need a reality check. You want real time feedback and guidance from a woman who is a true advocate for Loving FLRs. – Join the FLR Coaching for COUPLES Program.

You learn better through reading and watching videos at your own pace and you don’t have time to make appointments and keep a steady schedule. You want to log in early Saturday morninga dn review a few lessons and then pick back up on Wednesday evening after work, with no set schedule and all the time in the world to digest the information presented. Register for the ALL ACCESS PASS to the Loving FLR Online Academy

You are a man who is self-directed for the most part but you still need to experience a woman’s authority and guidance from time to time to ensure that you are doing your best. You want to become a better man and you want a woman who is willing to tell you the truth about what is stopping you from getting there. Join the Becoming a Gentleman Coaching Program

You communicate best through writing your thoughts down. You learn easily through reading the written word. You want the opportunity to exchange thoughts and be inspired through your inbox  on a daily basis because that is where your most important communication exchanges happen. You want to ask questions about the important things in your life and you want an honest and fast response without the structure of being told what you need to learn. You lead the discussions. You get the answers that you want, every single day. Register for the FLR Coaching By Email Program.

Now take a look at this guide for our Loving FLR Education Programs. Compare the different attributes of each program and decide which program is right for you.


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The content is originally owned by Te-Erika Patterson. Visit the site here for more interesting articles.

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