The origins of Awesome Marriage, plus marriage testimonials from you, our AM tribe!

Before Awesome Marriage, I taught a nine-week prep for marriage course at a local church three times a year. Nancy always said I was a better husband when I was teaching. She even tried to get me to teach year round! Actually, there was a lot of truth in her words.
Since launching Awesome Marriage in 2010, I think I am a better husband. I work on it more and God has taught me so many amazing things. It’s interesting that as crazy as 2020 has been, over all the 50 years of our marriage, this may have been our best year yet. We have used the extra time together in really good ways and are more connected than ever.
Last week I introduced you to our Awesome Marriage Team. This week I want you to meet the four men that were in the marriage “think tank” with me as God birthed Awesome Marriage: Pastor Robert Davis, Brandon Donaldson, Tony Seward, and Pastor Daniel DeMoss. Each played such an important role in the early years of this ministry. I am forever indebted to each of them. They are the Mount Rushmore of Awesome Marriage.
We get so many encouraging stories of how God has used Awesome Marriage in lives and relationships. Here are a couple:
“Awesome Marriage ministry has literally saved our marriage. The podcasts were so helpful by hearing others’ stories. It gave us encouragement through some dark times. We just celebrated our anniversary and instead of going out we did the Welcome to Paradise Date Night and it was the most memorable anniversary ever! I pray for you guys and for being willing to be open and honest about the real struggles in marriage and in our faith walk. Please, keep up the good work.”
“Thank you. Our marriage is at a whole new level of greatness with the Godly advice that the podcast provides!”
“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I am SO glad I found you via an online Bible study. Even my not-yet-saved spouse listens and appreciates Dr. Kim...which is fantastic!!”
“I read Dr. Kim's awesome marriage 1 Thing everyday without fail. I forward them to all of my single and married friends. I love the emails!”
“Thank you, it's because of one of your Bible apps that I didn't divorce my husband. You saved our marriage! Thank you!”
With the help of our amazing team and countless supporters that give generously and pray faithfully for us, here are some of the things we have been able to do together.
We launched One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day where Dr. Kim gives couples one practical thing they can do each day to strengthen their marriage. We currently have over 125,000 people subscribed to our One Thing content. We frequently receive feedback and inspiring testimonies of how God is using this content to help marriages all over the world!
We have dozens and dozens of resources to help couples continue to strengthen their marriage. Including unity building resources, creative questions to ask your spouse, prayer resources, date designs, and much much more!
We have real tangible help for those whose marriage is on the brink of divorce. Over 5,000 people have downloaded the 10 Things To Do Before You Get A Divorce resource. That means this resource has been put in the hands of 5,000 couples whose marriages are struggling. God is saving marriages and we are so blessed to be a part of that! Even greater than couples downloading this resource is that we are able to follow up with every single one of these couples. We are so grateful that they have reached out for this resource before getting a divorce.
We have launched an Online Affair Recovery Course to help couples reconcile and build their marriage better than new! This brand new resource is doing amazing work and the stories of reconciliation are already starting to come in.
We have partnered with YouVersion to create resources to help couples read God’s Word together. We now have over 50 published YouVersion Bible Reading Plans and over 1.5 MILLION plan completions. Many couples share with us that these plans help to encourage and equip their marriage.
We launched a podcast to reach couples with relatable marriage content each week. The Awesome Marriage Podcast has had over 1.8 MILLION downloads since we launched it 4 years ago. Couples tell us all the time how these podcasts help their marriage; giving them great things to discuss and work on in their marriage.
We are reaching couples whose primary language is Spanish. We now have all these resources in Spanish: One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day, Dr. Kim’s blog, several Bible Reading Plans, and marriage resources.
We are helping couples prepare well for marriage with our premarital resources. Hundreds of couples have walked through Dr. Kim’s Online Prep For Marriage Course. We also have a One Thing For Engaged Couples, and several other premarital resources for couples to invest in preparing for marriage.
We are helping churches equip and serve their married couples. Our partnership with Open Network gives Marriage Bible Studies to churches for free as well as equipping resources to train up Marriage Mentors and other marriage resources. These resources have been downloaded over 30,000 times by over 2,000 different churches.
In addition to these other resources, we have been able to send hope and practical marriage help to couples worldwide through social media. This avenue has allowed us to give encouragement, resources and Bible verses that are specific to certain marital needs and struggles.
Thank you to a God that leads us, my wife Nancy who completes my awesome marriage, and to all of you, who are truly a part of our tribe. I invite you to celebrate with us!
The article is owned by Kim Kimberling. Visit site here for other interesting topics about marriage, love and relationship.
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