Insights from Dr. Kim: Gifts

By: Kim Kimberling

Last Friday was date night and it turned into a really special evening. Nancy and I  lived in Downtown OKC for a few months in 2017 while our new home was being built. We loved the experience and now have a list of our favorite downtown restaurants. Kitchen N. 324 is one of them and on Friday night, it was great again as always. The restaurant has a cool vibe, great food, and great service. Somehow in the midst of a full restaurant, 324 creates an atmosphere where we can focus completely on each other. That is one of the things we look for when eating out. We fell in love years ago spending lots of time talking face to face over dinner in our favorite places to eat. It still is always a great way to connect.  

Nancy saw Lauren Daigle in Tulsa last fall with a group of friends. On Friday Lauren was in OKC and I could not wait to see her with Nancy. In the summer of  2019, I fell into a depression. It was not the worst time of depression I have faced but it came close. Even though I hate them, God always teaches me something during these times. This time he used Lauren’s song “You Say” in a powerful way. When I am depressed it is easy for me to believe the worst about myself. I can get caught up in the lies. Every time I listened to that song, a peace came over me. In that time I knew who God says I am and that He would get me through this. I have no idea how many times I listened to “You Say,” but it was many times every day. God used it to bring light into my darkness.

I share that to make this point. Lauren Daigle is an incredible young woman whom God has given many gifts. She chooses to use them for Him and lives are changed. God has given me gifts to help people in their marriages and when I use them marriages are changed. You have gifts too. They are there for a purpose. You have a choice in how to use them. Do you use them to make the world a better place? Or more importantly, to make your world a better place? To impact your spouse, your children, your grandchildren, your workplace, your friends, etc?

That’s my challenge to you today. What are the gifts God has given you? If you are not sure, ask Him. Once you have identified them, how can you use them to make the lives of those around you better? How can you use them to be Jesus to others? Friday night Lauren talked a lot about kindness and how it could change the world. That would be a great step for all of us to take. What if today you were kind to everyone you met? What if you then did the same tomorrow and the day after and so on. 

Today our world is hyper focused on a virus that is highly contagious. What if our daily acts of kindness became highly contagious? Can you even imagine how different our world would be? It can begin with you today!

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The article is owned by Kim Kimberling. Visit site here for other interesting topics about marriage, love and relationship.

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