Fretting, COVID-19, and You

By: Kim Kimberling

When was the last time you used the word “fret?” I remember my grandmother using it but it is not a regular part of my vocabulary. Yet, in our world today it is a very appropriate word for us to use. The dictionary defines fret as “to be constantly or visibly worried or anxious.” It fits, doesn’t it?  

Is it possible to “not fret” in these times? Honestly, I do not think so and I really do not think that is the issue. The issue is what we do with our “frets.” We can let them overwhelm us and lead us down a path of depression or we can give them to God. I know, “Give them to God” is not easy. I can give them - take them back - give them - take them back - and do that over and over! So what do we do?

Here are two tips that help me leave things in God’s hands:

  1. God’s past faithfulness. Most of us have seen God be faithful in our lives at some point.  For me it has been His faithfulness that carried me through times of grief. I did not always realize that He was there as I went through grief, but looking back I could see Him at work as He carried me step by step. The same is true with times of depression in my life. God was always faithful. When have you seen God’s faithfulness to you? Why would he not be faithful now? God never changes!

  2. God’s Word. For me the scripture that has been foremost in my mind during this COVID-19 season comes from Hebrews 13:5 and says, “I will never leave you or forsake you.” We might feel that He has left us or forsaken us, but He has not. What scripture has special meaning for you today? 

Lauren Daigle is my absolute favorite recording artist. Nancy and I were able to see her live a few weeks ago. She has so many songs that are so healing and applicable to where we are today. I encourage you to add her to your playlist. Here are some of the lyrics from “I Trust In You.”  

“When You don’t move the mountains I’m needing You to move

When You don’t part the waters I wish I could walk through

When You don’t give the answers as I cry out to You

I will trust, I will trust in You!”

That really sums us everything I want to say today. We will never completely understand God. If we did, that would mean that He is just like us and He is not! His ways are higher than our ways.  Our role is to seek Him and to pray but most of all in the midst of all the chaos, it is to trust Him because He is more than worthy of our trust!

Next Steps: 

  1. What are you fretting about today?  Is it something you can control or is it out of your control?

  2. How has God been faithful to you in the past?

  3. What is God saying to you today?

  4. Pray asking God to strengthen your trust in Him


The article is owned by Kim Kimberling. Visit site here for other interesting topics about marriage, love and relationship.

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