COVID-19 and Your Marriage: STOP

By: Kim Kimberling

In my book 7 Secrets to an Awesome Marriage, the first secret is STOP. At one time or another we all do things that are not good for our marriage. We may try to change our spouse or manipulate them to get our way. We may be selfish or inconsiderate. We can say words that in our heart we do not really mean, but in the moment come flying out of our mouth.  

There have been times in our marriage when I have done all of the above. None of them are ever positive in any way. Here is the key though. Do I recognize these are wrong and ask Nancy’s forgiveness? Or do I think I am justified in what I am doing or saying and keep it up?  Do I tell myself that at some point she is going to get it and then repeat my words or actions over and over or do I STOP?

One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results.  When I do this in my marriage, nothing good ever comes of it. In the midst of this pandemic, many of us are spending more time together as husband and wife than we have since our honeymoon. How are you managing this season? Are you growing your faith and your marriage? This may be the best opportunity to work on these that you will ever have.

On the other hand, are you developing patterns that are unhealthy for you and your marriage?  Are you slipping into behaviors that are detrimental? Are you creating insanities in your marriage? If you are, it is time to STOP! How do you do that? Here are some tips:

  • Admit to yourself, your spouse, and God that you know your behaviors and words have not been good.

  • Ask for forgiveness.

  • Pray for God to help you renew your mind in such a way that you look at each day as an opportunity to grow your marriage and your faith.

  • Pray that prayer every day.

  • Be intentional about quality time with your spouse.

  • Pray together that God would bless your marriage during this season. 

Doing the above can be a game changer for your marriage. Why not take that first step right now?

Next Steps:

  1. Is there something you are currently doing that is not good for your marriage? What is it?

  2. Does it fit the definition of “insanity?”

  3. Are you ready to STOP?

  4. Go through the 6 bullet points above.


The article is owned by Kim Kimberling. Visit site here for other interesting topics about marriage, love and relationship.

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