How to Find True Love in 2020: 5 Powerful Steps

By: Dr. Diana Kirschner

how to find true loveAre you wondering how to find true love in 2020?  Want to make this the happiest New Year and happiest New Decade of your life?

The great news is that it’s an awesome time to create your dreams!

At this moment your chances of creating true love in your life are better than ever.  You now live in what I call the Age of Abundant Love!  In America, divorce rates that climbed until the birth of the internet have actually fallen since.

Research has found that now one in three marriages in the U. S. begins online. Online relationships progress to marriage faster. Plus they are happier marriages!  And they even last longer. Digital dating has changed the landscape of love.  About 200 million singles globally now use digital dating each month.

How to Find True Love Offline

And there are so many new ways to meet great matches offline too!  In the thousands of events, meetups and group activities that are happening, which I call Mentastic activities.  These are things that are highly interesting to you that have lots of men in them—like hiking or running groups, investment classes, artificial intelligence conferences—you get the idea.  Places where you can meet fabulous guys who share your exact interest.  And these can be googled right from your phone.  Your dating choices are now almost unlimited.  Bottom line: Your chances of finding true love have never been better!


So here are 5 powerful steps to make it all happen for you in 2020.

How to Find True Love Step 1:  Prioritize Finding Love

Imagine if you didn’t have a job and needed money—looking for one would be your absolute top priority.   You would spend hours posting and searching sites like LinkedIn, and scanning online recruiters, asking your friends, and jumping on any leads.
On the other hand, finding love probably ranks pretty low on your to do list.  Think about it!

Do you spend hours texting, Facebooking, e-mailing, gabbing, Net surfing, or shopping on Amazon because you have nothing better to do? Is a demanding job swallowing up your whole life? Do you come home from work, run errands, answer some emails, text your friends, drink a bit too much, play your digital game or veg over your favorite show?  Are you better at planning your weekend or vacation than planning your dating life?

How about making a decision to change that in 2020?  One single, real decision to put your love life first and foremost will change everything.  One sincere decision will make it happen for you!
Study after study has shown that relationships are treasured above all else when we think about what has meant the most in our lives. So make finding love a top priority.


How to Find True Love Step 2:  Have a New You 2020 Party!

Order a bunch of pizzas or something simple like Chinese food.  Invite all your friends to come over for a ‘New You’ party where they give you a ‘makeover.’  Even if it’s just one or two people who love you.  Have them go through your clothes and accessories, getting rid of unflattering stuff and putting together some hot new looks for you.  Ask them for referrals to great hair salons or cool clothing stores or sites. Find a look that makes you feel great—that makes you feel like your high-value Diamond Self.

The friends who love you can see your beautiful one-of-a-kind self.  They appreciate you in a way that is hard to appreciate yourself.  Don’t feel like you are imposing—there is usually nothing that your friends like more than giving you advice!  While you’re at it, tell them you are looking to meet someone great and to keep you in mind.  Email or text the same message to any other buddies who did not make the party.

How to Find True Love Step 3: Work Your Online or App Dating Program

Throw out your old photo and profile.  Have a friend who is a good photographer, make that a great photographer, take 100 head shots of you in order to get one that looks especially warm, attractive and inviting.  Get some opposite-sex friends to help you pick out the best photo and work on your profile.  After you post them spend at least three hours a week looking around the site or app, sending and responding to messages and ultimately connecting by phone and in person with people.  Block out time in your daily calendar to work the program.

How to Find True Love Step 4: Meet New People

First, I’d like you to find and say hello to three new men every day.  then, assuming you are in a safe or public place, make eye contact, smile, say ‘Hi,’ or ask for some help.  Bella, a woman in our coaching program met her amazing husband, Gus, at a 12 Step Group she attended.  He moved to her town and she welcomed him to his first meeting.  Gus had many years of recovery, and was a thoughtful loving man who was totally on Bella’s wavelength.  They are now over-the-moon happy together, working their program and going on adventure travels in their RV.

On the other hand, if you don’t encounter a lot of men in your daily routine, make sure to try a new grocery store, dry cleaners, pharmacy or coffee/sandwich shop at lunch.  You can start with saying hello to the less threatening types and work your way up to the ones who are “out of your league.” You will be surprised how receptive the hotties can be!

You never know who you are going to meet.  Even if you don’t meet the one, every person you connect with has a network of family and friends who may help your dating life in a wonderful way.

How to Find True Love Step 5: Date Against Type

Most people do not find love with the type of person they imagine for themselves.  For example, the woman who dates starving artists winds up marrying a rich, balding lawyer who is crazy about her. Actually, love almost always comes in surprise packages.  Look at photos and profiles that you would ordinarily take a quick pass on.  If you always go for the sleek metro-sexual, give the Midwesterner who just moved to your town a try.  If you go for the hotties, try someone who is has a heart of gold and maybe only a B+ on looks.

Even if you are not exactly blown away by a person at the first date, remember to stay open.  You cannot know what secret goodies are hidden in someone just by meeting them once.  You have to let a potential partner unfold and show you his different sides.  If there is any connection with this person at all, give it another chance. In fact, love almost always comes in a surprise package.


So now you have your 5-step plan for finding true love. Be sure, to commit to the first step and make finding true love Priority One in your life. And to help you make it happen, be sure to pick up a copy of Love in 90 Days!


The content is originally owned by Dr. Diana Kirschner. Visit the site here for more interesting articles.

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