Are You Wasting Your Time? When To Stop Investing In Someone and Value Yourself

By: evegreenow


Knowing your worth is sometimes a lot harder than we realise. I’ve written about it before, years ago, but it will never become any less true.

Now in 2020, it’s never been more important to not only to give yourself a little extra TLC, but also to value your own worth, and give yourself a chance to achieve everything you want, and more!

[Read: Admit it… He’s Just Not That Into You]

I wish everyone would value themselves as highly as their friends and family do.

Often we see gorgeous, kind, funny, all-round beautiful people get strung along by absolute nincompoops, investing and investing for months until they’re drained.

With each month they devalue their inner self-worth, investing when no one is investing back. It’s a one-way relationship which I think pretty much all of us can relate to in one way or another.

I’ve been there: hoping that you can change someone, only to be breadcrumbed to the point where I would drop all my plans at once, or wait around all day “in case” he wants to do something.

Why do we do this to ourselves?!

[Read: Why Do Women Fall For Bad Guys?]

We’re strong, independent, intelligent, caring people, and yet we’re letting someone blatantly treat us like crap. How does that work?!

It’s so easy when you’re on the outside looking in, but when you’re in that bubble, you genuinely believe the lies and bullshit you’re fed. The “I’m just so busy”, and “Ahh sorry, not today”s, until after days or weeks of nothing, and just when you’ve driven yourself mad, 11pm, PING!

“You up?”

And we get excited and the butterflies return. We make all sorts of excuses, “he was just busy!” “He does like me, why would he be messaging otherwise?!” Never do we believe it’s cause they’re bored or may need an ego boost.

[Read: 5 Signs He Doesn’t Want a Relationship]

Bad guys are always just that little bit out of reach.

They drip-feed you attention, tantalising in their unavailability – they give you just enough attention so you don’t go elsewhere, and yet still feel they’re attainable. Those glimmers of hope and effort, along with the pull-push behaviour makes him that much more interesting. Us humans value things we have to work for, over the things we’re given on a plate.

[Read: Why Men Won’t Commit]

The thing is: no matter how freaked out or scared they are, if they like you enough and want to be with you, they will do whatever it takes – they will not let you go, no matter what. Truth is… He’s Just Not That Into You.

There are a plethora of reasons that people give if they’re not that interested: they’re scared, not ready, are too busy or don’t want a serious relationship… we’ve heard it all before. So why do we still convince ourselves that we can be the one to ‘change’ them into wanting to be with us?
The answer: because we see it as a challenge and when we really like someone, we refuse to see the truth through the fog of infatuation.

[Read: Under The Influence of Love: The #1 Sign You’re Just a Back-Up Plan]

It’s particularly hard when you’ve spent months dating this person and have developed feelings for them. It’s even harder when you know you have a connection that is hard to find.

However, you wouldn’t buy a dog that bites you all the time. And you wouldn’t be friends with someone who regularly ditches you. You wouldn’t work a job that doesn’t pay you. So why on earth are you trying to make a boyfriend or girlfriend out of someone who ultimately doesn’t want you? What happened to your self-respect?

[Read: Stop Chasing The Wrong One, Cause The Right One Won’t Run]

It all comes down to valuing yourself. Know your value!!! If they don’t value or respect you enough to risk investing emotion and time in you, then you deserve more. Don’t let yourself be walked over.

Stop fighting, stop wanting, stop wasting your time, stop giving your energy to someone who ultimately doesn’t care. Don’t chase the wrong person for you, because the right person won’t run to begin with.

The right person will be your partner, your best friend. The right person won’t play games or never let you know where you stand.

The right person won’t leave you unable to figure out how they feel about you. Never accept feeling like second best, or another option, or a last resort.

Because you are worth everything, and if someone is willing treat you this way – then you deserve more.

never settle kiss


The article is owned by evegreenow. Visit site here for other interesting topics about marriage, love and relationship.

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