Your day is yours to use as you choose

By: Linden Porter

This is a repost from an earlier one which I want to bring to your attention today.  Your day is yours to use as you choose.  It is important sometimes to remind ourselves that this is so.

Before I expand on the title of this post I acknowledge that each person’s predicament is different and so their challenges are also unique.  For some, the challenges are out of their control due to where they live or external forces.  These are not the people I am talking about today.  However, that being said it is still down to each and every one of us, regardless of circumstances on how we use our day.

The daily allowance of 24 hours is the same for everyone.  So how you tackle your day is also down to each of you.  It’s the mental focus you choose to apply to that day.

How you use your day is down to you

How we approach our challenges is down to that mental focus.  We can either take action.  Or ‘roll-over’ and allow the challenges to run us rather than the other way around.

Moods and emotions play a very strong role in our everyday lives.  You know full well that you can accidentally break a coffee mug on one day and just shrug your shoulders and yet on another, when you’re tired and irritable or someone has annoyed you, it can feel like the final straw!

Our interpretation of events (and I am excluding the real life-threatening ones here which fall into the survival category) is important.

In a relationship, it is all too easy to put a spin on someone else’s behaviour without knowing what they are experiencing.  To create a story if you like.  A piece of fiction.

For a start we have no clue what they were thinking – only they know that!

You can’t know why your partner behaved the way they did.  You’re not them! Now take into account the mood you and they were in at the time and your version of what happened becomes even more distorted!

Emotions play such a vital role in how we act

No one made you feel the way you did – only you did that. Understanding this is important as now you have a choice and having a choice means you have control of you.  The control is yours to use the best way you can – or not.

Your day can become yours

You can create a day where you take charge of you.  Where you take action.  Action may not give you the result you hoped for – or it may.  Who knows.  But at least action will give you new results.  New ideas to take further action.  You may not reap the rewards right away but at least you are heading in a new direction, never mind how small the steps.

OK, this all sounds very easy and so why aren’t we all doing it all of the time?  The answer is often fear.  Fear that we might make matters worse.  Fear that we won’t be understood and so hurt.  Fear that we might fail.  You can choose to allow fear to use you or you can learn to harness the fear and use it to push you forwards.

Life comes along and behaves in ways that does affect us.  Things happen that we don’t expect and bad times can appear which we don’t know how to handle.   We react because we have an inbuilt protection system, which is there to protect us from harm.

The question is deciding when the potential harm is genuine and when it isn’t.  When actually it’s only something our mind has created which might not be true.

Learning how to do this and how to protect yourself and give yourself the best possible outcomes so you can be in control of you in a myriad of situations gives you so many more choices on how you will spend your next 24 hours.

Will they be successful or will they be rather run-of-the-mill?

The choice is yours.

If you would like help in understanding how your internal dialogue works and why and how to give yourself the future you would love then do get in touch.


The article is owned by Linden Porter. Visit site here for other interesting topics about marriage, love and relationship.

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