I Love The Intimacy of Being With One Person

By: Te-Erika Patterson

I am in a relationship with a great guy- and have been for the last 16 months after a single period of two years. I wasn’t looking when I met him at a dance party I was at with a girlfriend- where he just suddenly popped in front of me- right arm stretched asking me if I wanted to dance with him. Yeah, sure. We danced together the whole night.

At the end of the evening- he asked for my phone number and for the first time in my life- I gave a guy my number. He called the next afternoon and 16 months later, we are having fun and our relationship is getting to higher heights.

Sixteen months ago, when he asked me what I was looking for in a relationship- I told him that I was looking for a great guy to walk off into the sunset with- a great guy to have fun with- settle down with- get hitched.

Today I will say I just want companionship with him- experience life together, travel like we do- spend time together one another’s place. I don’t want to get hitched anymore.

I love how we are together- our sex life is first class- and continues getting to such higher heights that we can’t understand it. We practice tantric intimacy. We laugh A LOT together- we care – respect each other and our relationship. As of this moment- I don’t have the need to take it farther into marriage. I am content and simply enjoy being.

I wasn’t missing anything in my life at the time I met him. I had been actively dating a year earlier to when I met my great guy but hadn’t the past year prior to our meeting. Sure I had thought at some point that I would love to meet a great guy to share some time with and had actually thought I would want to get married again since I had been married before for 21 yrs. After my divorce I met another great guy and we were together for 5 years and had gotten engaged after 4 years of being together. Unfortunately he passed on. I then met another great guy whom I was with for very close to 4 years. We parted and two years later I met the guy I am with.

I have never felt I was missing anything when I have been alone- which isn’t a long time in all. I look and have always looked at the fact of allowing a partner in my life as an enhancement of my already content life! I am happy when I am single. I love my freedom. When I am with a partner I am happy. I love the togetherness of what a relationship brings. I absolutely love love LOVE the intimacy of being with one person like this love that I experience with my great guy! It’s a love that is different from the love that I have and share with my children whom I so dearly love. It’s a love different from the love that I share and have for my siblings- my mother- my friends and myself!

I was going to say it completes the circle BUT that’s wrong because my circle of life is complete without this chosen love that I have with my great guy. It’s like dessert- the cherry or icing on the cake.

It’s been scientifically proven – if we are to believe what we read – that people with partners live longer so I would like to believe that a partner brings a love that enhances ones life on a broader spectrum.

I don’t miss anything when not in a relationship- But I get so much more on all levels when in a relationship. I don’t look for something to get- I have something to give – love- joy. I guess one can say the giving of a love to another being- whom you choose to is so much more greater.

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Source: http://lovingflr.com/intimacy-of-being-with-one-person/

The content is originally owned by Te-Erika Patterson. Visit the site here for more interesting articles.

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