Relationship and affairs expert Yvonne Filler analyses week 2 on the island.
So they’ve certainly settled in now. With a love triangle, a re-coupling and an unexpected vote off, it’s all been going on this week. Time for a little psychological analysis……
Adam and Rosie – Well, as predicted, Adam was really the one to watch this week, at least at the start of the week. After choosing Rosie and thus sending Kendall home he hasn’t exactly slipped under the radar. Predictably, his head was immediately turned by the new girls on the scene and he was quick to verbally distance himself from Rosie. He claims he finds it hard to get close to people and backs off if a relationship gets too intense too soon. Poor Rosie. When somebody shows a dismissive-avoidant style it’s really difficult to know how to move forward with the relationship as they constantly suppress their feelings. They tend to view partners less positively than they view themselves. They can also be very defensive which we saw when Rosie confronted Adam in front of everyone. Rosie, bowled over by the greek god good looks, is hanging in there but most girls struggle with an Adam like character. Despite having girls fall at their feet most of the time and never without a girl on their arm, the Adams of this world are rarely in serious long term relationships.
Georgia – Georgia took the shock of Niall’s departure for “personal reasons” in her stride. It confirmed our assumption last week that she’s there for a bit of fun and fame. She’s moved on seamlessly to Josh who is only too happy to jump into Niall’s shoes, not, from his body language, because he’s super keen on Georgia, but more that he’s relieved to be in a “couple”. The producers haven’t given him too much airtime this week which makes us assume he’s not rocking too many boats so in that respect, he and Georgia are a good match.
Alex and Samira – If Love Island was full of Alex’s and Samira’s then we’d all have our faith in relationships and love restored. But we wouldn’t be tuning in each night because it would make for such boring TV. I’m not sure Alex, who, despite it all, is still exhibiting a “secure” style, would appreciate how much people are “feeling sorry” for him. For all his awkwardness I still believe that he’s emotionally mature, undeniably positive and, although desperately wants to couple up on the island, is generally happy with independence. Samira shows the same inner strength, loyalty and emotional intelligence. They make a fabulous support team which in somewhere as intense as Love Island is not such a bad thing. I think they’ll be safe from tonights’ vote off – who could possibly vote for Hayley and Charlie over these two delightful human beings?
Hayley – Where do you even start with Hayley?! Her dial is generally set to miserable and moany. She likes things very simple, so a complex character like Eyal was never going to be a good fit. But even with a new partner and one that was of her own choosing I’m not sure she’s going to feel like she’s found happiness with Charlie. Although he has the laid back attitude she is seeking, he doesn’t seem to have the “adoration” for Hayley that I think she wants. In contrast to Laura who needs approval and responsiveness at a more basic level, Hayley seems to need idolisation – someone who will be everything she needs at that exact time she needs it. A listener, a comedian, a waiter, a thinker, a not so deep thinker. Charlie is “walking on egg shells” and that feeling is not sustainable in any relationship. I’d be amazed if Hayley and Charlie aren’t voted off tonight. Poor Charlie. Voted off because he was forced to couple up with a girl that picked him, not the other way round.
Jack and Dani – Jack. Hmmmmm. Jack. A few questions lingering with Jack. Where has Jack the lad gone? Was he just a big softie from the start but just tried to align himself with Adam? Is he playing a game with Dani now to establish himself in a couple? As an expert whose has worked with many a couple in many a situation I actually think what we see now is the real deal. He doesn’t seem clever enough to be thinking about “the game”. Dani, on the other hand, might not be playing games but she’s definitely not jumping in as deep as Jack. She really holds back on intimacy, not quite wanting to commit too much too fast. I’m still not worried about her at all. She can handle herself.
Laura and Wes – The compatibility game was most interesting for these two. Knowing that a computer rated your suitability together as the lowest of any match was a bit unsettling for this seemingly loved up pair. Unsurprisingly, Laura was the most shaken. Neatly complying with our assertion of Laura as anxious-pre-occupied, she needed reassurance from Wes that he wasn’t as troubled by it as she was. As she quite rightly said, “we need something to test us”. Love Island is so obviously not real life so a few peaks and troughs can help to reflect a relationship in real life. It’s only week 2 and it’d be a big shock to see either of these 2 copping off with someone else for the rest of the series but I’m sure the producers will try their hardest to make that happen.
So, week 2, done! So many twists that just writing analysis once a week isn’t easy so the producers are clearly doing a good job. Who will go tonight? I never show favouritism in this job but the doctor and his lovely partner certainly deserve to stay.
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This post was written by Yvonne
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